Sunday 11 January 2009

It's Just Not Fair!

When I moved to Newcastle from the little village I lived in before I expected a new world of musical possibilities, gigs every night and a general involvement in something bigger than going out to a show once a month or less. Turns out I was just a little naive. Because it seems as though, despite the big Carling Academy and a few other great music venues, no bands seem to come here.

Future of the Left were due to play here last month, but cancelled, and then when I found out that Bear Hands and Hockey, two brilliant new American acts were going on a UK tour (with Passion Pit, who I like a lot less and so will spite by not mentioning them. Except for now.), I was disappointed (read: severely pissed off) to find out they weren't coming anywhere near the North-East. What is it that makes Newcastle an undesirable city to come to? (No nasty jokes please)

Ah well, if you get the chance and they come near you, I urge you to go and see the two afore-mentioned bands, I've blogged about Bear Hands before, their post-punk buildups leading to huge choruses are just wonderful, and Hockey have been described as a synth version of The Strokes, something I totally agree with. Hopefully you'll enjoy them. But I might have to hate you if you do see them.

Bear Hands - Bad Blood
Hockey - Too Fake


Hanan said...

I'm sorry, dear.

A SYNTH VERSION OF THE STROKES? now that is innovative. I must check them out. I fucking love the Strokes. I'll also check out Bear Hands. thanks for the tip

I like your blog, btw.

2plus2isjoe said...

They're definitely my two favourite new bands at the moment, just so catchy!

Starsky said...

Hockey are awesome. There is something in their songs that clearly put them a lot farther usual blogs buzz bands