Thursday 13 November 2008

Music From A Green Window - Lawbreaker

Well wouldn't you know it, even I've been tracked down and censored. I got a lovely little message in my inbox telling me that my 3rd (and final) post about Reading this year had been removed as I've been infringing copyright. Now to be honest, I don't think many people read this, and I really only keep it up because it's cathartic, and the fact that I know there must be a few people who are interested in my views.

The fact this has happened won't stop me blogging, as I think it truly is the future of music promotion (despite my late jump on the bandwagon) and I personally think I'm doing the artists a service. It's happened to a lot of great blogs, including one of my personal faves, Dirty Sexy Music, and I personally think it's ridiculous. Any music blog will post mp3s, and any reputable blog will have a disclaimer saying that they're for sampling purposes. Mine certainly are, I want music to continue being made, and frankly major labels don't generally produce good music anymore, so the word has to get out about lesser-known bands somehow. What better way than the personal opinions of thousands of music lovers?

Ah well, on with the show.

Mumford & Sons - Hold On To What You Believe


Thomas said...

THE SHOW WILL GO ON!!!! Hopefully it's only to scare us and won't go on for too long.

Hanan said...

honestly. well stated, mate.