Maximo Park - I Want You To Leave
Maximo Park - I Want You To Stay
Another piece of information that's dawned on me is the fact that never again (OK, for the time being anyway), will I have to wear uniform - school, work or otherwise - which is an unusual source of joy for me.
Bloc Party - Uniform
A worrying fact for me at the moment is my money situation. Or lack of it. If you live in Newcastle and you see a dishevelled, 6'2", long-haired youth attacking your bins, I can only apologise in advance.
Barenaked Ladies - If I Had A Million Dollars
I'll admit, after a year off travelling and doing shift work, I am starting to think I'll remember very little of the things I'm supposed to have learned already, and with the apparent constant supply of alcohol that Uni provides, it might just stay that way.
Nine Inch Nails - Head Like A Hole
Amongst the questioning eyebrows, semi-sarcastic questions of whether we're living together and all the general annoyances that go along with it, I'm so happy to be going with Cat, my beautiful girlfriend. And, just to set the record straight, we decided to choose our first choice uni separately and, by happy coincidence or pure synchronicity, we both chose Newcastle. So there.
Jack Johnson - Better Together
Whoa cool that you both chose Newcastle, welcome to uni-land after the travels!
Thanks for visiting the Devil's blog at Glad you liked the Ricky Gervais video.
The Devil
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